Monthly Archives: August 2013

Schools Is In!

Update By: Donna Hoffmeyer
Date: August 25, 2013

Okay, tomorrow is a major milestone for the Hoffmeyer clan.  Our son starts kindergarten! I can assure you that he is way more ready than I am…still scratching my head on where the last 5 1/2 years went.

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The Diet Dilemma

Once an individual decides to lose weight he/she often faces the dilemma of determining what type of diet plan to follow to assist with the weight loss. If one turns to the Internet to research different diets plans the list that comes up will be pages long and likely include plans such as the grapefruit diet, chicken soup diet, chocolate diet, cabbage soup diet, flat belly diet, cheater’s diet, and yes…even the baby food diet. With all of the diet plans out there, one cannot help but be skeptical and confused as to what is the right plan for him/her. Hopefully this blog will help clear up some of the confusion regarding diets.

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Warm-Up…Or Pay The Painful Price

Hey Everyone,

From time to time TruPrevention will have guest bloggers.  These are experts in their field that have been kind to share their professional knowledge with all of you.  Our first guest blogger is Dr. Jessica Leach.  She received her Bachelor’s in Athletic Training and Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of Central Arkansas.  Currently she works as an Athletic Trainer and Physical Therapist at OrthoArkansas in North Little Rock, AR.  I met Jessica when she was a graduate assistant at UCA and am very excited to have her take time out of her hectic schedule to talk about the importance of warming up.  With no further ado, I’ll let her take it away…

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Humans…An Amazing Race.

My family and I are on a mini vacation camping in Corpus Christi (thank goodness the pop-up came with ac!).  We decided to take the kiddos to see the USS Lexington, a WWII aircraft carrier nicknamed the “Blue Ghost” because the Japanese Navy reported it had sunk the ship…on four separate occasions.  Talk about resilient!

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Spaghetti Squash Meal

Spaghetti squash with meat crumble sauce pasta, but hate that weighed down feeling? Try this vegetarian twist on spaghetti with meat sauce. Healthy and easy to make. Kids love to help make the "spaghetti". Source: Donna Hoffmeyer on a whim.

Cilantro-Lime Tilapia

Cilatro Lime Tilapia with Spinach and Tomatoes
Great easy dinner full of protein and iron. Source: Sparks People website (

Greek Orzo Salad

Greek Orzo Salad
A light summer time salad. The peppermint really gives it a refreshing taste. Use it as a side for a picnic or just pack it in your lunch. Source: Food website (

Grilled Sweet Potato, Orange, and Chickpea Salad

Bursting with beta-carotene, this is one recipe that will give a boost to your immune system! Source: Health website:,,50400000119962,00.html

Raw Chocolate-Chia Energy Bars

Raw Chocolate Chia Energy Bars
Chia seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients. Just 3 tbsp has 12 gm of fiber, 5 gm of protein and is a great source of Omega 3's (healthy fats) This recipe is super easy; no baking involved. Source: Vegetarian Times website