Flower in desert“Resiliency is accepting your new reality, even if it is less good than the one you had before.” – Elizabeth Edwards

As many of you know, my full time job is in the Air Force as a nurse.  We have all kinds of training that is required every year; one of them being “Wingman” Training.  The military lifestyle definitely has a higher than normal stress level and rates of depression, suicide and divorce are higher than our civilian counterparts. We take a half day to focus on our co-workers and discuss the importance of recognizing signs of distress and helping each other out.  One of our topics was on resiliency.  The question was, what is it about you that makes you resilient?  I can honestly say I had just come back from a week of vacation, had a ton of work to catch up on and really didn’t put any thought into it at the time.  However, later that week I found myself thinking about it.

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 We here at TruPrevention can think of a host of reasons people should live a healthy lifestyle.  So, we have complied a long list of benefits.  However, we don’t want to overwhelm everyone with an ongoing list…so we’re going to send it out in a series.  Oh, and just to show you that it is not some random list, we have put links to each reason, so you can read up on the “why” and “how” this is fits into the big picture of Health.  To start, here is a list of 20 physical (and a couple mental) reasons to live a healthy lifestyle.  Enjoy!!!

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Hey LeBron and Peyton…could you endorse broccoli please?

As I was perusing the latest and greatest health research, I came upon this article on athlete endorsements. The Oct 2013 Yale study, published in the journal Pediatrics, showed that some athletes endorse energy dense, nutrient depleted foods and how that could influence our children’s food choices. The stats were a bit shocking.

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Dad and son walking

When I pull out the Yoga mat, I can pretty much guarantee what will happen next.  My daughter will come around the corner and say “I want to do Yoga mommy” and proceed to go into the cutest downward facing dog I have ever seen…right in the middle of my mat.  So, I attempt to do some semblance of a routine around her climbing around me, through me and over me.   It doesn’t matter that I don’t get through a routine…what matters to me is that my kids are seeing that I place an emphasis on taking care of myself.  And, I’m proud to say they get it.  They love to show me how they can flip, roll, jump, race, do push-ups, yoga moves…you name it.  If they see me or my husband doing it, they want to try it.  In the end it is a win-win, we get family time, they burn off energy, I get a workout (albeit a light one) and they learn that being active is not only a priority in our house, but fun too!

Starting family workouts doesn’t (and shouldn’t) have to be super organized or structured.  It should be a little spontaneous and entertaining.  Here are some ideas below to get you started on family fun.

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Snack Bites

Snack Bites
Oh My Treat! Just one or two of these little healthy bites are enough to satisfy that sweet tooth. Sweetened with dates and honey and a little protein from peanut butter...it is great for a quick little energy burst before a workout.

The Latest and Greatest from TruPrevention

Hey Everyone!

We know it’s been pretty quiet here….but we haven’t run away.  Ohhhh noooo…we’re just getting started!  Right now, we are just working on developing TruPrevention into a future business, among keep up with our daily crazy lives.  Mandy is in the middle of moving (so excited for her) and we are both keeping up with families and full time work….so needless to say we would like a couple extra hours in the day to catch up with everything. I did update the Handy Information and Recipe sections recently.  So, please check it out.

As far as the business, we are just finishing the TruPrevention Logo.  A HUGE thank you to Cassie Rangel!  This gal has some serious talent.  She has been working with me on the logo for the last couple months and has done a wonderful job of taking my woeful descriptions and turning them into a visible concept.  Keep an eye out….you’ll see this girls work in a gallery one day!

So, thank you for you patience and understanding.  We might be a bit slow on the information download over the next month, but don’t despair it will pick back up.

And if you have any thoughts or suggestions feel free to send them to donna.hoffmeyer@truprevention.com.  All constructive thoughts and ideas welcomed!



Bento Mini-Burgers

Bento Mini Burgers
Okay all you burger connoisseurs, here's one to try. My long time friend, Amanda, gave me this recipe. I have yet to follow a recipe to the letter, so I'll put it as it is written and anything I "tweeked" will have an asterisk next to it. Original Source: Pepperplate (www.pepperplate.com)

Schools Is In!

Update By: Donna Hoffmeyer
Date: August 25, 2013

Okay, tomorrow is a major milestone for the Hoffmeyer clan.  Our son starts kindergarten! I can assure you that he is way more ready than I am…still scratching my head on where the last 5 1/2 years went.

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The Diet Dilemma

Once an individual decides to lose weight he/she often faces the dilemma of determining what type of diet plan to follow to assist with the weight loss. If one turns to the Internet to research different diets plans the list that comes up will be pages long and likely include plans such as the grapefruit diet, chicken soup diet, chocolate diet, cabbage soup diet, flat belly diet, cheater’s diet, and yes…even the baby food diet. With all of the diet plans out there, one cannot help but be skeptical and confused as to what is the right plan for him/her. Hopefully this blog will help clear up some of the confusion regarding diets.

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