
Getting Comfortable with Uncomfortable

When I trained new clients and I was pushing them a little bit, they would make comments such as “You have no idea how hard it is to start because you work out all the time”. Granted there was truth to it, but it was my job to challenge them and I chalked it up to them having to get over mental barriers. I had no idea I would soon be able to fully relate to how they were feeling.

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Thank You Body…

I was not always fond of jogging…

When I was in high school I played basketball. Yes, there was lots and lots of sprints, suicides and laps around the gym…but those were done in short bursts and my mind was focused on getting that damn ball! In college I decided to join a gym. I loved lifting weights, but wasn’t too sure about the treadmill. (For the record, I’m a country gal…growing up, the gym was my backyard.) I got the nerve up to try one out and after about 10 min I was off it. I really hated that gasping for air feeling.

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