Monthly Archives: January 2014

Pomegranates bowl

My neighbor told me that she’s seen pomegranates in the grocery store, but didn’t buy one because she didn’t know how to get the seeds out.  That’s a bummer, since these babies are considered a superfood with some serious health benefits. I figured if she was unsure what to do with them, then many others were too. So, I thought I would do a little Pomegranate 101 on what they were and how to eat them.

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The Non-Resolutioner Resolutions…

I’ve never been one to make New Year’s resolutions.  I really never saw the purpose…it just seemed a ritualistic form of reverse psychology to me.   As soon as I made that list it was my green light to start breaking them, and I’m pretty sure I am not alone.  In January fitness centers are hopping and the produce section at the grocery store is being cleaned out.  Come the end of February the surge is over.

Let me be clear on this…not everyone is motivated the same way.  Some people thrive on making detailed lists and accomplishing the list.  I wish I was one of them…but yeah, not even close.  For those with a similar mindset to mine, there are certain thing we should just avoid resolving.

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