As I was perusing the latest and greatest health research, I came upon this article on athlete endorsements. The Oct 2013 Yale study, published in the journal Pediatrics, showed that some athletes endorse energy dense, nutrient depleted foods and how that could influence our children’s food choices. The stats were a bit shocking.
It’s a Family Affair…
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When I pull out the Yoga mat, I can pretty much guarantee what will happen next. My daughter will come around the corner and say “I want to do Yoga mommy” and proceed to go into the cutest downward facing dog I have ever seen…right in the middle of my mat. So, I attempt to do some semblance of a routine around her climbing around me, through me and over me. It doesn’t matter that I don’t get through a routine…what matters to me is that my kids are seeing that I place an emphasis on taking care of myself. And, I’m proud to say they get it. They love to show me how they can flip, roll, jump, race, do push-ups, yoga moves…you name it. If they see me or my husband doing it, they want to try it. In the end it is a win-win, we get family time, they burn off energy, I get a workout (albeit a light one) and they learn that being active is not only a priority in our house, but fun too!
Starting family workouts doesn’t (and shouldn’t) have to be super organized or structured. It should be a little spontaneous and entertaining. Here are some ideas below to get you started on family fun.
Healthy restaurants…do they really exist?
As you probably guess, I’m not a fast food connoisseur. I think the extent of it is a pizza place…there’s nothing better than a thin crusted slice of veggie pizza. So when we go out to eat after a long week at work, we try to go somewhere that has health options. One of our favorite places in San Antonio to go is a near by Greek restaurant , Papapouli’s. They have won numerous awards for their healthy recipes. Now, I will tell you that I always wondered how healthy is healthy. Just because it is fresh made doesn’t mean it is not laden with fat and sodium. I mean, seriously, McDonalds has yogurt parfaits as a “healthy option” and one bite will tell you that there is enough sugar in one to make 5 kids hyperactive.