Okay, it’s confession time. I am completely off my game. My husband is out-of-town for 2 weeks and my routine has been totally thrown off. I still eat pretty healthy (minus the chocolate at work…grrrr), but there are a lot more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, breakfast for dinner, and “picnics” with a plate full of fruit, veggies and cheese. Instead of actually sitting down for a full meal, I’m grabbing bites in between getting the kiddos ready for school, spills and potty help. No more 6 am gym workouts because I have to get the kids off to school.(Yes, I’m a little spoiled…Brian takes the kids to school 3 days a week.) Workouts during the day is always my sincere intention…but then something at work always takes up my time and I just cannot seem to break away. Well, then after work…yeah that’s it…oh no, that’s right gotta get the kiddos from school, get them home (or to swim class), feed animals (poor things), start dinner, go through school papers, eat dinner, Skype with Daddy, get kiddos ready for bed, handle melt downs/fighting/goofing off, read books, tuck in (a least a couple times), hugs and kisses (a couple times more)….anndddd I’m exhausted. Oh wait, still have to make lunches, pick up the house so it doesn’t completely resemble the aftermath of a tornado, work on the blog, and finish whatever else I couldn’t get done with the kids up. Back to exhausted…I’ll get up early and do it…wait it’s now midnight and I need to be up at 5 to workout. I’ll try…set alarm…oh is the snooze button on?

Any of this sound familiar? The above is real…it’s my life right now…as I like to call it, blissful chaos. But I can only live like this for so long. I can feel it in my bones, muscles and mental being…everything just feels more tense. I’m have less patience with the kiddos/husband/myself. So, tonight after I put the kids to bed, I walked into my bedroom and started doing a yoga routine. Within 15 minutes I started to feel rejuvenated, a little more energetic, and a bit more like myself. It was nice to stretch, focus, relax and sweat.

This happens to me from time to time. I find it frustrating, but at the same it reminds me of the importance of fighting to keep me a tiny bit of a priority. If I start wearing down, there is no way I’m going to keep up with the kiddos and work. I really don’t need a lot…45 min workout a day (or at least 3-4 days), eating a healthy diet and I’m good! When I completely put myself aside our life goes a bit berserk.

So, when you find yourself in “blissful chaos”, fight to keep yourself a priority…choose the salad, take the walk/jog/workout (even if it is only for 15 minutes). You are worth it!

And on that note…I am going to bed so I can get up at 5 to do another yoga workout. Yes, the snooze will be on…but I’m promising myself just to hit it once…okay maybe twice.

2 comments on “Anyone Else in Blissful Chaos?

  1. Jenn Bergeron

    Absolutely! I felt like this for years and finally started taking the time for myself. Funny thing is I used to think it was selfish to take time for myself and somehow wasn’t good for my family but my family is better for me taking care of myself. A hard lesson to learn and wish I had learned it years ago. Good to know you’re human too though!

    1. Donna Post author

      Oh very human…this morning I spent cleaning up spilled oatmeal…twice. Thank God for our dog! LOL!!!

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